Cradle to Career (C2C)
You have the power to make a better life for your child, your family, and your community. C2C is the place to make your voice heard.
Who We Are: get to know the faces and mission behind c2c
A Model That Works.
The C2C model gets to the heart of local families' hopes, dreams, and needs. We start by building relationships with parents at local schools, then co-creating solutions with our community partners.
Watch, read, and learn more about community-building by checking out our Playbook.
It’s going to
take all of us
Yes, we actually can change the inequities we see in our communities, but we can’t do it alone.
Find out how we can work together and help each other change things for the better.
You want the best for your kids, but it’s not always easy to ask for what you need. Advocating for your child is a skill *anyone* can develop. Let C2C show you how.
Tired of waiting for real change to come to your school or community? Join our Learning & Leadership Circle and bring the C2C model to your school, neighborhood, or city.
Community Partners
C2C is like no other program out there. We don’t say that lightly. We’re on the ground listening and working with families to support their needs right here, right now.
Real Parents, Real Partners, Real Success.