branching out from live oak
In 2022, Cradle to Career received a 3-year grant from Collective of Results and Evidence (CORE) to address systemic racism and inequitable educational and health outcomes that were exacerbated by the pandemic and CZU wildfires. These challenges present an opportunity to work through our public education system to build relationships with and among families, especially those historically disenfrachised and disproportionately impacted by COVID-19.
We are taking what we have learned in Live Oak and expanding our community-based organizing model to San Lorenzo Unified School District, Santa Cruz City Schools, and Soquel Union Elementary School District. Over the next three years, C2C Community Organizers are being deployed at these school sites to connect with families, form unique Parent Leadership Committees (PLCs), and support parents in developing programs and activities that are reflective of the community and culture at each respective district. C2C’s core pillars of good health, good character, good education, and community strength will remain our focus as we grow and learn alongside our new school partners.
In addition, C2C will lead the co-creation of a countywide Family Learning & Leadership Circle, along with experienced family engagement practitioners from Pajaro Valley Unified School District and Head Start. This Circle will engage families as advocates for key policy/systems priorities that foster equitable and nurturing environments, and that address the root causes of adversity in childhood through public speaking, legislative visits, relationship-building with key decision-makers, and participating in various public forums.
an opportunity to connect
Children and youth are our greatest asset as a community, connecting us to the present and a vibrant future, and their families are their greatest asset. C2C has witnessed the transformation when families are supported in their own power to advocate for their children. Rooted in this perspective, C2C will work with new school parents, staff, and leadership to reflect their value back to them and use this power as a way to connect, understand, and support one another.
As a result of this expansion, C2C hopes to see:
Increased parent knowledge, skills, and confidence in caring & advocating for their child or family
Increased feelings of connection at the school and with peers
More children, youth, and families have opportunities for play, healing and cultural connections
Local families most impacted by long-standing systemic inequities have a voice and share power in the systems that affect them
Public policies and support systems truly support the wellbeing of families of color
c2c in the news - Check out these articles on our expansion and community impact!
“Project Community: Central Coast nonprofit helps students succeed”
KSBW8 reports on C2C’s recent expansion and interviews Parent Coordinator, Julissa Silva, and C2C Assistant Director, Julio Neri Andrade.
“Three school districts join Cradle to Career program”
The Santa Cruz Sentinel reports on C2C’s New Schools Kickoff meeting, welcoming three new schools into the organization.
photo from Shmuel Thaler – Santa Cruz Sentinel
“Cradle to Career”
NoticiasYa Costa Central reports on Cradle to Career and how we are uplifting children and families and connecting families with resources for parents and children so that they can overcome obstacles and children can achieve success in their education.
building bridges throughout santa cruz county to create brighter futures for families